Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Join Nielsen Home Scan Consumer Panel!

Nielsen Home Scan Consumer Panel is recruiting participants again. You simply need to fill out a simple registration form and then you may (or may not) be asked to join the panel. If you are selected you will be sent a handheld scanner that you use to scan the bar codes of your household purchases each week. I just registered and I am waiting on my confirmation email to see if I have been selected to join! If this sounds like something you might be interested in then make sure and apply while they are still recruiting!

Once you become a NCP panel member all you have to do is scan and send them your household purchase information every week with a handheld scanner that they provide. For each week of the month NCP receives your purchase information, you will earn one entry into the Monthly Sweepstakes where you can win a $500 American Express Rewards Card. That’s up to FOUR entries every month! Every month, 25 panel members win! 

That’s not all… Every quarter an additional 40 panel members win a $500 American Express Rewards card just by sending purchase information in every week of a month. 

Saving Star